Chakra means “wheel of light” in Sanskrit and looks like a funnel or vortex that spins when it is operating optimally. Through the chakras, we are able to receive and transmit social, sexual, and spiritual energy. As the chakras spin, there is a constant exchange of energy with the environment, going from them out into the world and the unified field of energy back into the chakras. That incoming energy nurtures and supports our individual energy fields and physical bodies. The chakras correspond to and heavily influence different aspects of your life. Therefore, it is important to both your emotional and physical health that the chakras are functioning properly. If you get emotionally upset about something these energy centers become distorted or imbalanced, they may get lopsided or spin the wrong way. Oftentimes, we hold traumatic experiences from our past in our chakras, causing them to close or spin the wrong way.
There are 7 major chakras corresponding to the body. Each chakra represents an aspect of consciousness that is essential to your life. As a system, they integrate your mind, body, and spirit: and each has a physical, emotional, creative, and celestial component.
Add Chakra Symbol for each
7th chakra – Sahasrara – Crown Chakra
Location: crown or top of the head
Endocrine Gland: Pineal gland (Epiphysis)
Traits of a Balanced Chakra: inner knowingness, serenity, service to others, spiritually connection, intuition
Negative characteristics: Poor intuition, lack of compassion
6th chakra – Ajna – Third Eye
Location: center of forehead
Endocrine Gland: Pituitary gland or hypophysis
Positive characteristics: clear mental imagery or imagination, inner wisdom, insight, easy manifesting
Negative characteristics: no overview or ability to see the big picture, poor intuition, no mental peace
5th chakra – Vishuddha – Throat Chakra
Location: throat
Endocrine Gland: Thyroid
Positive characteristics: open communication and self-expression, assertive and verbally creative
Negative characteristics: hesitant to speak one’s truth or feelings, frustrated, loud, aggressive communication
4th chakra – Anahata – Heart
Location: Directly above the heart; the bridge that connects the first three chakras relating to the external world to the three higher chakras associated with intuition and spirituality;
Endocrine Gland: Thymus
Positive characteristics: unconditional love and emotional power, gentleness, adoration, healing
Negative characteristics: bitterness, resentment, unforgiving, distrust, lack of compassion
3rd chakra – Manipura – Solar Plexus Chakra
Location: upper stomach
Endocrine Gland: Pancreas
Positive characteristics: confident in your personal power, able to develop your authentic self, and take responsibility for your life, at peace with yourself
Negative characteristics: lack of motivation or direction, excessive need for control or, alternatively, feeling helpless, fearful
2nd chakra – Swadhisthana – Sacral Chakra
Location: 2-3 inches below the navel
Endocrine Gland: Gonads
Positive characteristics: feeling in touch with your emotions, feeling open and safe in your sexuality and femininity, security in your relationships
Negative characteristics: Dependency, co-dependency with other people or a substance that grants you easy access to pleasure, sexual disfunction, out of touch with yourself and how you feel
1st chakra – Muladhara – Base or Root Chakra
Location: the perineum or the base of the spine
Endocrine Gland: Adrenaline glands
Positive characteristics: energetic, grounded, healthy sex drive particularly for men
Negative characteristics: ungrounded, clumsy, angry, jealous, resentful
A chakra balancing session is my preferred form of offering reiki healing as it will truly bring your energy body into balance and provide overall healing and relaxation. As with a reiki session, you will rest comfortably on a massage table on your back with your shoes removed and your eyes closed while relaxing music fills the room. I will assess each chakra center and determine if they are blocked or spinning backward or if they are spinning weakly or strongly. The reiki session will then begin whereas I hold my hands slightly above your body starting at the head, and then focusing on each of your seven chakras. I might spend more time on one area than another if I sense any blockages. As a recipient of Reiki, you might feel a warming sensation or a tingling during the session or nothing at all but sheer relaxation. The session should be very pleasant, relaxing, and invigorating. At the end of your session, you might prefer to remain in repose for few minutes on the table in order to fully ground yourself. At this point, I will often discuss any messages I might have for you regarding any energy blockages I picked up. I will also offer tips and techniques to help you maintain your energy well-balanced and how to strengthen any weak or blocked chakras I may have picked up on.
During healing sessions, I often use different crystals on or near your body as crystals help increase healing energy.